
For your convenience, we have included here a collection of our own writings and teaching videos on various aspects of awareness and integrative healing methods, as well as information on the various modalities, courses and other offerings we have available. When the information being shared is not our own, we have included attribution and links to the original sources so you can learn more for yourself from these sources.

With so many holistic modalities, medicinal herbs, nutritional supplements, essential oils and, often confusing/conflicting information on dietary and lifestyle practices and other options out there, we decided to include information on a broad variety of topics and have categorized them to make it easier for you to access the information that interests you specifically.

Feel free to contact Freyja if you feel you would benefit from further exploration and guidance as to what path might best suit your personal needs and health goals.

Article Freyja Inanna Article Freyja Inanna

Regarding Sensuality

We take on beliefs that are not ours. The voices in our heads are made up from the fears, praises, promised rewards, or punishments that will be granted now, or in the afterlife, depending on the beliefs of the generations and social norms that have come before us.

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Article, Offering Freyja Inanna Article, Offering Freyja Inanna

Decompression Sessions

In these times of chaos, isolation and uncertainty it is even more important to feel at peace and safe in your body, grounded into the wisdom of who you are, and in integrity with your own authentic expression and purpose. 

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Article Freyja Inanna Article Freyja Inanna

Get Your Emotion Out of the Room

There are many ways people allow lies to make them complacent…by believing the stories spun into webs of false hope, thinking things will change if they just be patient and wait a little longer…because someone tells them so.

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Article Freyja Inanna Article Freyja Inanna

What is the Fantasy You Need to Grieve?

This state of being held back by repressed emotions is true of all kinds of traumatic experiences, not just the loss of a loved one! It’s true when one has experienced abuse of any kind, physical, emotional, sexual and more.

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Article, Offering Freyja Inanna Article, Offering Freyja Inanna

It’s Written All Over Your Face!

Your body speaks the truth, whether you are aware of its messages or not.  It will speak to you in ways that are more and more insistent and painful in an attempt to bring you back into alignment with your truth and your soul’s purpose until you finally listen…or you die, having never truly lived!  

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