What is the Fantasy You Need to Grieve?


What is the fantasy that you need to grieve?  

What are the uncomfortable truths that you need to admit to yourself before you can fully grieve that fantasy and move forward in living a life that is truly a joy to live? 

How many times have you believed someone’s words…their stated intentions or reasons and excuses…over your own intuition, or even their own actions?  

How long will you continue to do so?

There are many ways people allow lies to make them complacent…by believing the stories spun into webs of false hope, thinking things will change if they just be patient and wait a little longer…because someone tells them so.  They think a partner will change, or a work situation will improve, or a savior will come and change everything …because someone tells them so.  And it’s easier to continue in the fantasy and the abuse than to face that they have been lied to…that they were deceived. 

The truth is, that things will not change as long as we continue to live in the fantasy…to stay in the abusive relationships, whether those be personal, intimate, business, religious, or government relationships.  The key to creating real change is to first change the relationship within one’s self and say a resounding ‘no’ to what is not in our own best and highest good!  This is the path of self-reverence and will always be in the best and highest good of all involved.  

Your ‘NO’ is POWERFUL!!!

Are you ready to release the fantasy, grieve it, reclaim your power and take action into creating real change in your life? 

If so, reach out to me and we can explore.

In love and service…


~ Freyja Inanna

Freyja Inanna

Integrative Mental Health Advocate, Psychosomatic Therapist, Trauma Release Facilitator

Location: Cranbrook, BC, Canada

My upbringing and early life, spent within the polygamist community of southern BC, Canada, has sparked a passion for freedom and healing and deep compassion for those still in their own healing process. 20 years experience as a RN and midwife have been the perfect preparation for the trauma work I do as I guide through the process of rebirth into authentic expression.


Get Your Emotion Out of the Room


It’s Written All Over Your Face!