Releasing Shame: What is Abuse & How Does Shame Factor Into Abuse?

Part 1 of our Releasing Shame video series.

Shame is defined as "a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcoming, or impropriety". Imagine if the shame of abuse was never yours to hold? In this series we demonstrate just that.

Week 1 of "Releasing Shame is Your Super Power" we converse about some of the ways in which abuse of power shows up, how it affects a person's life, and how to begin to release shame and heal the pain and trauma.

Week 2: The War Within Manifesting In Life's Circumstances

Week 3: Self Abuse

Week 4: Shame and Suicide

Week 5: When Shame Becomes the Prison for Abuse

Week 6: When the Victim Becomes the Abuser

Week 7: Why Does Abuse Keep Showing up

Week 8: Polarization and the "Right" and "Wrong" Game

Freyja Inanna

Integrative Mental Health Advocate, Psychosomatic Therapist, Trauma Release Facilitator

Location: Cranbrook, BC, Canada

My upbringing and early life, spent within the polygamist community of southern BC, Canada, has sparked a passion for freedom and healing and deep compassion for those still in their own healing process. 20 years experience as a RN and midwife have been the perfect preparation for the trauma work I do as I guide through the process of rebirth into authentic expression.

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